It’s a family Château

We live in it all year round

The Château is one of the few in the Medoc area to still be lived in all year round. The Maroteaux family live there and witness all four seasons of the vine’s growth cycle.


Sober and elegant

Its sober architecture, elegant symmetry and balanced lay-out are a fitting illustration of our wine.
With its porch flanked by ionic columns the Château could have been described as a Palladian villa, but it is in fact an example of the Neoclassical Directoire style.
The interior breathtakingly highlights the English-inspired staircase and was designed according to Victorian tastes.

Ephemeral work of art

The garden

In summer, the climbing roses provide a carmine frame for the orangery’s glazed openings, creating a beautiful ephemeral composition.
When the frosts veil the vines in delicate white, they become our winter brides.
While in the spring, the vines flower and announce the long engagement between fruit and wine.
Baudelaire or Lamartine would have enjoyed staying here for a while to contemplate and taste the wine, before embarking for other destinations.